Student Services

Student Services Departments and Programs 

We are so pleased to have you as a student at Mt. SAC! In Student Services, our vision is, “Your Success, Our Passion.” We are here to serve and support you in your educational journey.
This catalog is a resource to help you to be successful as a student at Mt. SAC. There is a lot of information about services, programs, activities, and policies and procedures.
Every student at Mt. SAC needs to have an educational plan, called a MAP – Mountie Academic Plan. Counselors work with you to develop your MAP which maps out all the courses and requirements needed for you to reach our goals.
What if I’m unsure about my major or my educational goal? We are also here to help you with this! We encourage you to meet with counselors and support staff, and to enroll in Counseling classes.
What if I don’t have enough money to apply for my fees and books? Most students qualify for a fee waiver and federal grants. Don’t get discouraged! We have friendly staff who can help you to complete all the requirements to qualify for fee waivers, grants, and scholarships.
A wide range of student activities are also available for students: Associated Students government, over 60 student clubs and organizations, and student leadership development activities. Students are encouraged to participate in campus life by engaging in student services and becoming involved in campus activities.
As a Mt. SAC student, we encourage to seek out assistance in our many Student Services and Academic Support Centers (tutoring centers). Mt. SAC has been distinguished as having more support services for student than any other community college in California.
Best wishes in the 2024-2025 academic year!

~Melba Castro, Ph.D., Vice President, Student Services


Entry/Transitional Services

Students are provided with process-oriented support services ranging from entering the college, completing processes, requirements and forms, qualifying for benefits, and providing information to students. 

Admissions and Records

Building 9B, (909) 274-4415

Admissions and Records is usually the first office prospective students visit and the last office students visit before transferring or graduating. Some of the services provided:

  1. Admission: All students must submit an application for admission in order to attend Mt. San Antonio College. The admission application generates a Permit to Register and establishes a historical student record for each student. Transcripts from other colleges must be submitted for prerequisite eligibility checks.
  2. Course Registration: All registration is conducted online. Registration instructions can be found in the current Schedule of Classes or online.
  3. Admissions and Records is the official custodian of student records. This office maintains student demographic information such as name, address and Mt. SAC student identification number, student academic history, issues I-20’s for International Students, processes Petitions for Exceptional Action, transcript and enrollment verification requests, graduation and certificate petitions, and distributes diplomas and certificates.
  4. Admissions and Records provides computers for student use located in the Student Services Building. These computers provide access to the student portal for students to print unofficial transcripts, final grades, and copies of the Permit to Register. All services are available online. To use this service, students must have their Mt. SAC Student username.

Assessment Center

Building 9B, (909) 274-4265
Assessment Center 

The Assessment Center provides assessment services to assure that all students are placed appropriately in Mt. SAC courses. All Mt. SAC students are required to participate in assessment for course placement. The assessment and placement process has been established to enable all students the opportunity to be successful in their coursework. Please complete the Assessment Questionnaire (AQ) at Upon completion, you will be given your course placement or will be advised on your next step in the assessment process. For further information, contact the Assessment Center at (909) 274-4265 or visit Assessment online.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

Building 9B, (909) 274-4450
Financial Aid & Scholarships

The Financial Aid Office provides information and assists students in applying for financial assistance in the form of grants, loans, scholarships, enrollment fee waivers, and work study opportunities. The Financial Aid office helps students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), as well as for the California DREAM Act, and the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) applications. Moreover, our Scholarships program provides students with information about scholarships available within Mt. SAC, as well as external opportunities available throughout the year. 

Dual Enrollment

Building 6, Room 136 (909) 274-4403
Dual Enrollment 

Dual Enrollment provides high school students the opportunity to take college level courses at their high school campus. Some of the benefits of participating in the Dual Enrollment program include:

  • Accumulate college credits 
  • Textbook rentals
  • Access to Mt. SAC resources and services
  • Explore different careers, majors and interests
  • Get exposed to college expectation
  • Strengthen your transcripts and academic performance
  • Graduate college on time or even early

High School Outreach

Building 9A, (909) 274-5906
High School Outreach

High School Outreach (HSO) provides services designed to support and guide graduating high school seniors, family, community members, and non-district applicants through their college transition to Mt. SAC. High School Outreach works with the local in-district high schools, families, and community organizations by providing a variety of informational and support services such as, informational college presentations, enrollment related workshops, college fair participation, registration assistance, large scale events, campus tours, and more.

Promise+Plus Program

Building 9A, (909) 274-5688
Promise+Plus Program 

The California Promise program, commonly known at Mt. SAC as the Promise+Plus Program, is a combination of financial and support services to help first-time college students that participate in a Mt. SAC Summer Program, be successful in their first two years of college. Open to California Residents/AB540 eligible, first-time college students. The goal of the program is to guide students through their academic and personal development to achieve their associate degree and/or transfer to a four-year college or university. Eligible students receive comprehensive support services and benefits such as early registration, counseling and advising, workshops, funding for books and groceries, school supplies, and more. To remain eligible, students must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA each term, enroll in English or math, attend Promise-approved workshops, and meet with a counselor. 

General Support Services

Services that are provided to all students, no pre-qualification necessary, assistance with persistence and guidance to reach educational goals, participation in the life of the college, and interventions to address specific student needs from mental to physical health. 

Career Center

Building 9B - 2nd Floor, (909) 274-4510
Career Center

The Mt. San Antonio College Career Center supports current students and alumni in all stages of the career development process. Our staff of professionals leverage their experiences and knowledge associated with the workforce to empower students to discern, discover, and pursue meaningful careers in direct correlation with their educational background. In accordance with preparation, we implement career readiness through innovative and tailored programs, services and strategic partnerships.

The Career Center provides a variety of activities, events and resources to help students solidify career goals, sharpen job acquisition skills, and acquire part- and full-time employment.

Career Services include:
  • Employment & Internship Referrals
  • Career Fairs & Employment Panels
  • Online Employment Portal
  • Workforce Development Conferences
  • Career Acquisition Skills Workshops
  • Practice Interview Sessions (Zoom/In-Person)
  • Resume & Cover Letter Review/Development
  • Undecided Workshops

Transfer and Completion Center 

Student Services Center, Building 9B, 2nd floor. Transfer- (909) 274-6388, Completion- (909) 274-5187
Transfer and Completion Center

The Transfer Center provides comprehensive services, resources, activities, and events to prepare students for successful admission and transition to four-year colleges and universities. It prepares students for the next step in their educational journey. 

Transfer services include:
  • Advising
  • Workshops
  • University tours and transfer fairs
  • Representative appointments and information tables
  • Annual Transfer Awareness Week and a Transfer Conference, culminating in a Transfer Achievement Celebrations​

The Completion Center provides students with graduation application support, booking close-to-completing degree/certificate counseling appointments, completion workshops, and connecting to campus resources.

Completion services include:
  • Graduation support
  • Workshops
  • Connection to resources 
  • Continued support following counseling appointments 

Counseling Services

Building 9B, (909) 274-4380

The Mt. SAC Counseling Department delivers essential academic, career, and personal counseling services to our diverse student population. We help students reach their educational and career goals by assisting students with the effective use of campus resources, students services, and educational opportunities. All students are encouraged to meet with a counselor at least once each semester to discuss their education and career goals. We conduct new student orientations, MAP workshops, probation success workshops, offer individual counseling appointments to create educational plans, and graduation checks. The Counseling department also offers a variety of courses providing a more in-depth study of topics related to student success and career planning. Students will find these courses under the heading COUNSELING in the schedule of classes. We are here to help you succeed!

Behavioral Health Services

Building 9E, Suite 2300 (909)274-4984
Behavioral Health Services

Mt. SAC has a multi-disciplinary, and multi-ethnic team of licensed professionals that offer short term mental health counseling . The team prides itself in providing you a confidential space that is diverse, non-judgmental, student centered, and invested in your overall health to assist you in reaching milestones in your academic career at Mt. SAC.  Services include: brief counseling, confidential support, crisis intervention and case management support.

Student Health Services

Building 67B and 9E, Room 2300 (909) 274-4400
Health Center

As part of the Mt. SAC ACCESS & Wellness program, the Student Health Services team strives to provide optimum physical and mental health services to students in a confidential environment with sensitivity to individual needs. The team consists of licensed professionals serving as directors, physicians, nurse practitioners, counselors, nurses, health educators, and clerical support staff to attend to the unique needs of each student.

Student Life Office

Building 410, Room 2040, (909) 274-4525
Student Life

The Student Life Office is dedicated to promoting student engagement, responsibility, inclusion, and advocacy. The Student Life Office supports co-curricular involvement, enhances civic engagement, nurtures appreciation of diversity, and ensures due process. Information regarding L.E.A.D. (Leadership Education And Development Program), Fall Leadership Conference, volunteer opportunities, student clubs, and Associated Students leadership is available in the Student Life Office. This office also oversees the Lost and Found Program.

Students who are involved in co-curricular activities are encouraged to complete the Activities Transcript, which complements their academic transcript and verifies the student’s involvement in service and leadership activities outside of the classroom.

The Student Life Office oversees both the Academic and Non-Academic Student Misconduct process, and the educational outreach for Standards of Conduct.

Associated Students (A.S.) Leadership Center

Student Activities Fee

What is the Student Activities Fee? - The $15 Student Activities Fee provides access to scholarships, leadership opportunities, activities, discounted tickets, funding for student events, and many other co-curricular programs and services for students.  

Some of the benefits students receive throughout the semester by paying the Student Activities Fee are:

  • Eligibility to apply for A.S. scholarships
  • Purchase discounted tickets (available at the SAC BookRac)
  • Apply for Leadership Conferences
  • Vote during Mt. SAC A.S. Elections
  • Hold an A.S. Officer position
  • Serve as an officer in a Recognized Student Club or Organization (RSCO) and
  • Free admission and free spirit items at all A.S. events

Student Representation Fee

Recognized Student Clubs and Organizations (RSCOs) Collaboration Space

Specialized Programs

Students pre-qualify for services specifically designed to address their academic and educational needs; services are designed specifically for particular groups of students; funding source frequently from grants and other categorical funding. 

ACCESS - Accessibility Resource Centers for Students (Formerly known as DSPS)
Building 9B - 1st Floor, (909) 274-4290
ACCESS facilitates and supports academic success for students who live with a disability. Our mission is to promote equal access on
campus. Students who have a medical condition or disability that impacts their education should join ACCESS. The department team of counselors and professionals are committed to providing quality programs, classes, and support for students who experience educational barriers due to a disability. Registration status with ACCESS or any of our programs that are part of ACCESS & Wellness is held in strict confidence. 
Based on individual disability-related needs, services are directly related to the educational barrier as a result of disability or medical condition. Examples of services are:
• Accessible Technology Center: Student Success Center (9E), an adaptive computer lab with accessible software and hardware solutions, study center
• Academic strategies classes to increase student success
• Counseling: Disability-related, academic, career, transfer, and personal counseling
• DHH Center (for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students): Sign language interpreters and real time captioners, study center, internships for SIGN students
• Classroom accommodations:  Educational advising, priority registration, note taking services, testing accommodations, equipment loans, alternate media, adaptive classroom furniture
• Transportation on campus: Tram service upon approval
• NUANCE (Formerly known as Puzzle Project): Specialized programming for students on the Autism Spectrum
• Assessments: Learning disabilities, cognitive dysfunction, communication disorders, accessible technologies

ACES (Student Support Services)

Building 327, (909) 274-4411

The goal of ACES is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of the participants and facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next. ACES provides intensive academic, personal, and career counseling to help first-generation, and/or low income, foster youth or disabled students reach their post-secondary goals.

ARISE Program

Building 16E, (909) 274-6622

Arise Program, a federal grant program, provides support for Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) and other students. The goal of the program is to assist Asian American and Pacific Islander students to successfully attain their educational goals and recognize their valuable contributions to the campus community as AAPI students and student leaders. Program activities include: tutoring, educational advisement and counseling services, workshops, student leadership training, and basic skills development.

Center for Black Culture & Student Success

Building 6 Room 140, (909) 274-6396
Center for Black Culture & Student Success

The Center for Black Culture & Student Success serves as a central hub for Black-identified and other students at Mt. SAC. The CBCSS provides culturally enriching and academic programming to the campus community with the overall goal of helping students reach their personal, academic, and professional goals. 

Basic Needs Resources

Building 9C, (909) 274-6170
Basic Needs

This program provides support for students experiencing basic needs insecurities with access to the Mountie Fresh Food Pantry, assistance with CalFresh benefits, coordination and housing referrals for homeless and/or housing insecure students, and one-on-one case management support so that they can pursue their educational goals at Mt. San Antonio College.

Bridge Program

Building 9E - 2nd Floor, (909) 274-5392

The Bridge Program offers several learning communities designed to increase your academic and personal success. Students in the learning communities are enrolled in “grouped/linked” classes. Various learning communities are offered, including: Summer Bridge, Math Bridge, and English Bridge. The Bridge Program is perfect for students who are the first in their family to attend college, want to improve academic and social skills, want to learn more about career and transfer options, or want additional support during their first year at Mt. SAC..


Building 9B - 1st Floor, (909) 274-4755

The California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) Program at Mt. San Antonio College is designed to support student parents who receive cash aid for themselves and their children. We provide CalWORKs students with access to comprehensive services, including individualized academic counseling, educational programs, advocacy, support, case management, and referrals to community resources, to assist them to reach their academic goals and increase their self-sufficiency. In collaboration with county partners, Mt. SAC CalWORKs students receive assistance with books and supplies, transportation, childcare, and other services designed to help them complete their educational goals.

CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education)

Building 9B - 1st Floor, (909) 274-4500

Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE) provides additional support services to EOPS students who are single head-of-households with minor dependents and receiving CalWORKs/TANF/Tribal TANF. Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)/California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) cash aid benefits for themselves or their children.

DHH Center (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services)

Building 9D, (909) 274-6393 (Voice)/(909) 859-6634 (Videophone)

As part of the Mt. SAC ACCESS & Wellness program, the DHH Center provides a specialized cultural and academic center space honoring the intersectional backgrounds of our Deaf and Hard of Hearing students that are part of ACCESS. Staff and faculty provide various services, including peer mentoring, workshops, field trips, experiential learning opportunities, interpreting, CART transcription, and note-taking services. We are proud to be the only California Community College with a dedicated DHH Center.

DREAM Program

Building 16E, (909) 274-5596

The DREAM Program provides support services to DREAMers/ Undocumented students at Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC). Our purpose is to provide a safe space where DREAM students can come together to receive the support they need to succeed in college. The program aims to increase the personal growth and development of DREAMers through academic, career, and personal counseling, which is provided by our DREAM counseling team that possesses extensive background and knowledge about how to guide and support undocumented students. Peer mentoring, workshops, tutoring, and program-specific services are available to support academic success and encourage engagement outside the classroom experience. The DREAM Program also provides assistance in applying for the California Dream Act/Financial Aid and scholarship opportunities. Through our partnerships, we have a referral process to assist students with immigration legal services (including DACA renewal), health services, and medical services as well as other services relative to this student population. By using a holistic approach, the DREAM Program strives to help students navigate the higher educational system and beyond.

El Centro: The Center for Latinidad

Building 9E - 2nd Floor, (909) 274-5392
El Centro

El Centro, The Center for Latinidad, provides collaborative programming at Mt. SAC and outside partners. Mt. SAC is federally recognized as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) since 2000, with over 64% of our students identifying as Latine. We support, educate, and assist the campus in gaining a sense of community and cultural wealth. We honor, celebrate, and explore the diverse cultural roots within Latinidad. Our center also provides a relaxed study and networking space to promote community, academic support, and professional development. This center is open to credit & noncredit students, staff, faculty, administrators, and community members.

Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS)

Building 9B - 1st Floor, (909) 274-4500
Extended Opportunity Programs & Services

Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) was established on September 4, 1969, Senate Bill 164 was signed into law to help historically socio/economically disadvantaged students in community colleges throughout California. Our program goes “over and above” other college services by offering counseling, tutoring, financial assistance, and other support services designed to help students meet their personal and/or educational goals, which include but not limit to obtaining job skills, occupational certificates, or associate degrees, and/or transferring to a four-year institution.

First Peoples Native Center 

Building 16E, (909) 274-4378
First Peoples Native Center 

Through the efforts of Native students, faculty, and administrators, the First Peoples Native Center (FPNC) was created in order to raise awareness of the contributions and continued presence of Native American and Indigenous peoples of the region. The FPNC works to serve our diverse Native and Indigenous student populations by preparing them to become lifelong learners, providing access to support services to increase retention and successful transition rates, creating traditional and culturally relevant programming, and guiding students to career paths that will enable them to enrich their lives and the lives of their communities.

International Student Program

Building 9C-5, and Building 9B-1st Floor, (909) 274-4705 
International Student Center

The International Student Program is a place where F-1 visa students can make counseling appointments and speak with their academic advisor. F-1 visa students can connect with one another and the international community. The International Student Program hosts a variety of on and off campus excursions, workshops, tutoring services, and a computer lab where students can study. Our friendly staff can answer questions about our fun and educational program offerings, F-1 student admissions and regulations, how to get involved on and off campus, and much more.

NextUp/REACH Program

Building 16E, (909) 274-6556
NextUp/REACH Program

NextUp/REACH is an educational support program, under EOPS, that assists current and former foster youth in their transition into college, while attending Mt. SAC and as they look to graduate and/or transfer to a university. We are committed to partnering with foster youth students and walk with them side by side in pursuing their educational endeavors. Some NextUp/REACH services offered are mentoring, housing resources, priority registration, educational grants, workshops, field trips, and much more!

Pride Center

Building 26A, Room 1640 (909) 274-6550
Pride Center

The Mt. SAC Pride Center provides an affirming space for students across the gender and sexuality spectrum. The Pride Center provides services that promote student success including academic counseling, mental health support, computer and printing services, a snack station, gender-affirming clothing, and academic support from faculty across various disciplines.

Rising Scholars Program

Building 410 - 1st Floor, (909) 274-5808

Rising Scholars provides resources and services to students who have experienced incarceration or are system-impacted. Rising Scholars helps increase students' sense of belonging so they can accomplish their educational and personal goals.

TRIO Programs

Building 327, (909) 274-4411

TRIO Programs are outreach and student services programs in the United States designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are administered, funded, and implemented by the United States Department of Education. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities.

  • ACES (Student Support Services)
    The goal of ACES is to increase the college retention and graduation rates of the participants and facilitate the process of transition from one level of higher education to the next.
  • Upward Bound 
    Upward Bound prepares eligible high school students with preparation for post-secondary education. The program provides academic enrichment opportunities, financial aid assistance, higher education preparation, and exposure to career opportunities.

Veterans Resource Center (VRC)

Building 9E - 1st Floor, (909) 274-4520

Building 9E, (909) 274-4520

In 2010, the VRC project established an innovative, collaborative effort to ease the transition for our student Veterans as they navigate our community college system. Today Mt. SAC continues to demonstrate both its motivation to meet the needs of military-connected students and an ability to marshal resources to meet those needs through the VRC. The Veterans Resource Center provides wrap-around support services, including wellness and transitional assistance, academic and transfer counseling, and a space that promotes camaraderie amongst veterans, active-duty military, their families, and the campus community.

Other Departments, Programs, or Services for Students

Cashier's Office 

Building 4, Lower Level, (909) 274-4960
Cashier's Office

The Cashier's office is located on the lower level of Building 4 and manages the collection of registration and other campus fees including parking citations, enrollment verification fees, and production cards. The office also processes refunds for credit classes and production cards. Students may also receive assistance with questions regarding BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. (service processor for refunds and other disbursements).

For information regarding fee payment options and payment policies please visit the Cashier’s Office website, reference schedule of classes, or contact the Cashier’s Office.

Child Care Services

Building 70, (909) 274-4960
Child Care Services

The Mt. SAC Child Development Center offers childcare to students while attending class. We provide high quality full and part day early childhood education services to your children. Our nationally accredited program serves children ages three months through five years. After school care for kindergarteners is available as well. Parents and children must meet eligibility requirements, and children must attend for a minimum of 3 hours per day, at least twice a week. For requirement specifications, and pricing information, contact the center directly.

Campus Safety Escort Service

Building 23, (909) 274-4555
Police & Campus Safety 

Mt. San Antonio College offers a Security Escort Service to escort students, staff, and visitors safely to their destination while on campus. Security Escorts may be requested by calling (909) 274-4555.

Sac Book Rac

Building 9A,  (909) 274-4475
Sac Book Rac

The Sac Book Rac is the campus bookstore that caters to all your academic needs, from textbooks to supplies to snacks. Textbooks are offered in various formats such as New, Used, Rental, Digital, and e-books. Visit our website and find all of your required course materials, as well as a variety of Mt. SAC merchandise and clothing for purchase. Sac Book Rac also offers Student Photo ID services.

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