Computer and Networking Technology (AS Degree S0725)

Technology and Health Division
Degree S0725

The Computer and Networking Technology program prepares students to become computer and networking service technicians. The program provides foundations in basic electricity and electronics, operating systems, computer service and troubleshooting, and customer relations, as well as more advanced training in networks, servers, and security. Students learn to install, configure, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair computers and networks. Students will become fully prepared to take the A+, Network+, Server+, and Security+ certification tests sponsored by CompTIA and offered at testing centers throughout the country. These industry certifications are recognized worldwide as benchmarks for the computer and networking technician. Further, students will have requisite skills upon which to seek additional I.T. certifications available for the computer and networking fields. Two certificate programs in Computer and Networking Technology are also available. Please see the “Certificates” section of the college catalog for descriptions and course requirements.

This degree requires the completion of General Education coursework plus the following:

Required Courses

Course Prefix Course Name Units
CNET 50Personal Computer (PC) Servicing4
CNET 52PC Operating Systems4
CNET 54PC Troubleshooting4
CNET 56Computer Networks4
CNET 58Server Systems4
CNET 60A+ Certification Preparation2
CNET 62Network+ Certification Preparation2
CNET 64Server+ Certification Preparation2
CNET 66Security+ Certification Preparation2
ELEC 11Technical Applications in Microcomputers3-3.5
or CISB 15 Microcomputer Applications
ELEC 50AElectronic Circuits - Direct Current (DC)4
ELEC 50BElectronic Circuits (AC)4
ELEC 56Digital Electronics4
TECH 60Customer Relations for the Technician2
Total Units45-45.5

Recommended Electives

Course Prefix Course Name Units
ELEC 51Semiconductor Devices and Circuits4
ELEC 74Microcontroller Systems4

Electronics and Computer Technology Website

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, a student will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of fundamental electronics principles, including voltage, current, and signal levels, to the analysis and troubleshooting of computers and data-communications networks.
  • Apply knowledge of computers and their components to the development and implementation of interconnected systems of computers.
  • Apply knowledge of computer technology, with an emphasis on hardware, to the development and deployment of complete computer networks.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the physical and logical characteristics needed to support and secure network and server environments.
  • Function effectively as a member of a technical team including documenting work, writing clearly and appropriately in an Information Technology context, respecting user data, and considering the ethical consequences of decisions.
  • Articulate knowledge of the CompTIA certification processes, including potential exam content, philosophy, and test taking and study strategies.

Review Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this program.

Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

Plan of Study Grid
Fall Term 1Units
ELEC 50A Electronic Circuits - Direct Current (DC) 4
ELEC 50B Electronic Circuits (AC) 4
CNET 50 Personal Computer (PC) Servicing 4
See for alternate schedule See for alternate schedule  
Winter Term 1
ENGL 1A Freshman Composition 4
Spring Term 1
ELEC 56 Digital Electronics 4
TECH 60 Customer Relations for the Technician 2
AA/S MATH Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req 3
AA/S LIFE Area E Lifelong Undrstg Course 3
Summer Term 1
CNET 60 A+ Certification Preparation 2
CNET 62 Network+ Certification Preparation 2
AA/S KINES Phys Ed (KIN) Activity Course .5
Fall Term 2
CNET 52 PC Operating Systems 4
CNET 54 PC Troubleshooting 4
AA/S USHIS Area D-1 Hist/Pol Sc Course 3
Certificate: Computer/Network Tech. L1, N0478 8  
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CISB 15 OR ELEC 11 3  
Winter Term 2
CNET 64 Server+ Certification Preparation 2
CNET 66 Security+ Certification Preparation 2
AA/S ARTS Area C-1 Arts Course 3
Spring Term 2
CNET 56 Computer Networks 4
CNET 58 Server Systems 4
AA/S SCNCE Area B-1 or B-2 Science Course 3
AA/S HUM Area C-2 Humanities Course 3
Certificate: Computer/Networking Tech. L2 T0726 6  
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Summer Term 2
SPCH 1A Public Speaking 4
AA/S BEHAV Area D-2 Elective Course 3
Computer Networking Technology (CNET), AS S0725 5  
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 Total Units71.5
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