Domestic Violence Certification (Certificate O0366)

Technology and Health Division
Certificate O0366

Overview of domestic violence and its ramifications. Examines the relationship between domestic violence and substance abuse. Meets state training requirements to work or volunteer in domestic violence agency as mandated by the State of California Evidence Code 1037.1 and Penal Code Section 1203.037. Certificate issued.

Required Courses

Course Prefix Course Name Units
AD 4Issues in Domestic Violence3
Total Units3

Guided Pathways of Study Suggested Course Sequence  

Program Learning Outcomes

Review Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this program.

Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

Plan of Study Grid
Fall TermUnits
AD 4 Issues in Domestic Violence 3
Certificate:Domestic Violence Certification O0366 6  
Submit petition to Admissions Records Submit petition to Admissions Records  
 Total Units3
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