Counseling, Advisement & Orientation

Counseling Department services are provided to enrolled students who are in need of additional assistance regarding course selection, major selection, graduation requirements, and transfer information and planning. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor during their first term of enrollment to develop a Mountie Academic Plan (MAP). The Mountie Academic Plan lists the courses needed to complete a specific major and general education, as well as identifying graduation and/or transfer requirements.

Students who are undecided about their major and/or career and educational goals, should make an appointment with a counselor. Career counseling services are available to students at no cost, to assist students in making the most appropriate choices about their future.

Exemption from Assessment, Orientation, and Counseling, Advising, or Education Plan Development

The goal of the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) is to increase student access and success by providing core SSSP services, including (1) orientation, (2) assessment and placement, and (3) counseling, advising, and other educational planning services with the goal and declared course of study.

Exemptions from Student Success and Support Program

As part of the matriculation process, all services listed above are provided by the college. Students may choose to request to be exempt from the required services. Students requesting an exemption, must identify the basis for their request based on the criteria below.

A student is exempt from assessment, orientation, and counseling, advising, or education plan development if the student has:
  1. graduated with an Associate degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution. Student must provide a copy of transcripts as documentation of degree attainment
  2. enrolled at the college for a reason other than career development or advancement, transfer, attainment of a degree or certificate of achievement, or completion of a basic skills or English as a Second Language course sequence
  3. completed these services at another community college within a time period identified by the district
  4. enrolled at Mt. SAC solely to take a course that is legally mandated for employment as defined in section 55000 or necessary in response to a significant change in industry or licensure standings
  5. enrolled as a special admit student pursuant to Education Code section 76001

Exemption Request Forms are available at the Counseling Department located in the Student Services Building (9B), Second Floor

Orientation – Credit Students

Orientation is required for all new students who are enrolling in Mt. San Antonio College. Orientation includes information regarding college programs, services, procedures, student responsibilities, and other related information.

The College has determined the importance of an orientation to college as a factor in success. Prospective students are urged to complete an online orientation immediately after filing an application and completing the Assessment Questionnaire (AQ).

Visit the New Student Online Orientation.

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