Fashion Design and Technologies (AS Degree S1320)

Business Division
Degree S1320

The Fashion Design and Technologies Degree consists of apparel design courses that prepare students for careers in apparel manufacturing, production, and technical design. This program emphasizes technology used in the apparel industry and technical design. Upon completion of the program, students will be proficient in technical drawing, computer patternmaking, and apparel-related software. Students will gain hands-on experience in using industry-related software and develop advanced technical design and production skills.

This degree requires the completion of General Education coursework plus the following:

Required Courses

Course Prefix Course Name Units
FASH 8Introduction to Fashion3
FASH 9History of Fashion3
FASH 10Clothing Construction I3
FASH 12Clothing Construction II3
FASH 14Dress, Culture, and Identity3
FASH 17Textiles3
FASH 21Patternmaking I3
FASH 22Fashion Design By Draping2
FASH 23Patternmaking II3
FASH 24Fashion Patternmaking by Computer3
FASH 25Fashion Digital Illustration and Design3
Total Units32

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, a student  will be able to:

  • Create an apparel collection including textile designs and flats (technical drawings) pursuant to apparel industry standards.
  • Demonstrate their understanding of the fashion industry trend research process.

Review Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this program.

Looking for guidance? A counselor can help.This Guided Pathways for Success (GPS) is a suggested sequence of coursework needed for program completion. It is not an official educational plan. Schedule an appointment with a counselor or advisor as soon as possible to create an individualized Mountie Academic Plan (MAP) specific to your goals and needs.

Plan of Study Grid
Fall Term 1Units
FASH 8 Introduction to Fashion 3
FASH 10 Clothing Construction I 3
FASH 14 Dress, Culture, and Identity 3
ENGL 1A Freshman Composition 4
Winter Term 1
FASH 25 Fashion Digital Illustration and Design 3
Spring Term 1
FASH 17 Textiles 3
AA/S MATH Meet AA/AS Math Comptcy Req 3
AA/S USHIS Area D-1 Hist/Pol Sc Course 3
AA/S LIFE Area E Lifelong Undrstg Course 3
Summer Term 1
Fall Term 2
FASH 12 Clothing Construction II 3
FASH 21 Patternmaking I 3
AA/S ARTS Area C-1 Arts Course 3
AA/S SCNCE Area B-1 or B-2 Science Course 3
Winter Term 2
FASH 24 Fashion Patternmaking by Computer 3
Certificate: Fashion Design, L1 N0482 2  
Submit petition:, Student Tab#45 5  
Spring Term 2
FASH 22 Fashion Design By Draping 3
FASH 23 Patternmaking II 3
AA/S HUM Area C-2 Humanities Course 3
AA/S ELECT Degree Appl Course (Elective) 3
Fashion Design Technologies, AS S1320 0  
Certificate: Fashion Design, L2 N0483 3  
w/completion of additional courses Fash 57/66 6  
Certificate: Fashion Computer-Aided Design E0383 3  
Submit petition:, Student Tab #45 5  
 Total Units56
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