Theater Arts (THTR)

THTR 9  Introduction to Theater Arts

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 111)
Lecture: 54   

Aesthetic, artistic, technical, and business aspects of theater.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423029THTR:9MW1:15pm - 2:40pmM. Lingbanan1B/C-1

THTR 10  History of Theater Arts

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 113)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AH or ENGL 1AM or AMLA 1A

Historical and anthropological development of dramatic literature and performance with an emphasis on non-Eurocentric, anti-racist, and anti-colonial perspectives.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423031THTR:10TR1:15pm - 2:40pmW. Pellegrini1B/C-1

THTR 11  Principles of Acting I

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 151)
Lecture: 54   

Introduction to the basic principles and techniques of acting as an artistic discipline. Analysis of the action, given circumstances, and language of dramatic literature. Rehearsal of monologue and scene work.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423032THTR:11MW1:15pm - 2:40pmA. Saverino2-T120
Fall 202423033THTR:11MW9:45am - 11:10amM. Lingbanan2-T120
Fall 202423034THTR:11TR3:00pm - 4:25pmS. Boulanger2-T120
Fall 202423035THTR:11S11:30am - 2:40pmP. Flores2-T120
Fall 202424550THTR:11MTWR2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MTW2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MTWR2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MTR2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MTWR2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MTWR2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS
MT2:35pm - 3:25pmP. FloresOCAM-VAHS

THTR 12  Principles of Acting II

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 152)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: THTR 11

Practical preparation for professional rehearsal and audition scenarios through advanced scene work and audition technique.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423036THTR:12MW11:30am - 12:55pmA. Saverino2-T120

THTR 13  Play Rehearsal and Performance - Technical

1-2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: THTR 192)
(May be taken four times for credit)
Lab: 54-108
Prerequisite: Admission by interview/Portfolio Review

Planning, preparation, and presentation of college-sponsored dramatic presentations. Emphasis on technical theater, including light, deck, sound, costume, and stage management.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423037THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmM. Torres Cruz2-T130
Fall 202423038THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmM. Torres Cruz2-T130
Fall 202423039THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmP. Flores2-T130
Fall 202423040THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmP. Flores2-T130
Fall 202423041THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmS. Boulanger1B/C-1
Fall 202423042THTR:13MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmS. Boulanger1B/C-1

THTR 14  Stagecraft

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 171)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Theory and practice of scenery construction, scenic painting, and stage rigging. Practical work in scene construction and rigging with the opportunity to perform these tasks in actual theater situations.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423043THTR:14TR11:20am - 12:25pmM. Hidalgo2-T130
TR12:35pm - 2:00pmM. Hidalgo2-T130

THTR 15  Play Rehearsal and Performance - Acting

1-3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 191)
(May be taken four times for credit)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lab: 54-162
Prerequisite: Admission by audition

Planning, preparation, and presentation of college-sponsored dramatic presentations. Emphasis on acting. Attendance at performances is required.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423044THTR:15MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmM. Torres Cruz2-T130
Fall 202423045THTR:15MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmP. Flores2-T130
Fall 202423046THTR:15MTWR7:00pm - 10:10pmS. Boulanger1B/C-1

THTR 16  Theatrical Make-Up

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 175)
Lecture: 45   Lab: 36

Theory and practice of makeup for the stage. Emphasis will be on the design and application of straight, stylized, character, and other make-up techniques.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423047THTR:16MW11:20am - 12:30pmB. Ogden2-T129
MW12:40pm - 1:45pmB. Ogden2-T129

THTR 17  Acting for the Camera

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: THTR 11

Study in performance for TV and films. Background, methodology, and techniques of acting for the camera. Includes TV equipment and how to make it work for the TV actor; study of image, type, and character, evaluation and use of scripts and monologues with practical exercises, and on-camera scenes in various styles such as TV drama, sit-coms, and commercials. Assists students to prepare for an occupation in the performing areas of television and film.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423048THTR:17F11:30am - 2:45pmM. Lingbanan2-T120

THTR 18  Technical Theater Practicum

1 Unit (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 192)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lab: 54

Technical preparation and operation of productions presented to the community. The student will be involved in one or more of the following areas: stage scenery construction, stage lighting set up, property construction, stage sound set up, costume construction and make-up. Crew assignments will be given to the student upon enrollment. The availability of assignments is contingent upon the requirements of the production.

THTR 19  Theatrical Costuming

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: THTR 174)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Theatrical costuming design and construction. Includes the study of costume history, principles of costume design, fibers and textiles, basic costume construction, and design rendering techniques. Costume crew assignments for major productions will provide practical instruction in actual performance demands on costumes and their proper maintenance. Class is suitable for people interested in costuming for theater, dance, film, television, and reenactments.

THTR 20  Introduction to Script Analysis for the Theater

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: THTR 114)
Lecture: 54   
Advisory: ENGL 67

Socially conscious and equitable analysis of dramatic literature for practical application in contemporary theater arts. This class focuses on the reading and analysis of dramatic literature written by black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) playwrights. Students may not earn credit for both THTR 20 and ETHS 20.

THTR 21  Introduction to Theater Design

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: THTR 172)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Survey of scenery, lighting, properties, costumes, makeup, and sound design for the theater. Through demonstration and laboratory experiences, students will gain an appreciation for theatrical design by learning to identify fundamental principles for creating a design and using standard techniques to communicate a design.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423052THTR:21TR3:30pm - 4:35pmM. Hidalgo2-T130
TR4:45pm - 6:10pmM. Hidalgo2-T130

THTR 22  Stage Lighting

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: THTR 173)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Theory and practice of stage lighting. This course covers the study and execution of stage lighting with an emphasis on lighting instruments, control consoles, color theory, and the necessary paperwork used for conveying the design.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423053THTR:22MW8:00am - 9:10amM. Hidalgo2-T130
MW9:20am - 10:40amM. Hidalgo2-T130

THTR 25  Theatrical Playwriting

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 54   

Playwriting for the stage. Students will create and critique their own plays as well as study and critique plays from established authors and productions. Includes basics of linear, episodic, 'A'-'B,' and ritual structures.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423054THTR:25TR3:00pm - 4:25pmM. Torres Cruz1B/C-1

THTR 26  Sound for Theater

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Materials, processes, and concepts of creating audio for the live theater. Fundamentals of sound, audio and recording technology, techniques and protocols for creating sound cues, and a critical approach to sound design for theatrical productions.

THTR 27  Introduction to Stage Management

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Analysis of stage management protocols, documentation, and techniques for live theater. Practical application of preparation methods focused primarily on auditions, rehearsals, meetings, and performances.

THTR 28  Directing for the Stage

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Advisory: Eligibility for ENGL 68

Fundamental techniques for beginning stage directors. Exercises and practical scenarios for organizing and executing a rehearsal and production process.

THTR 31  Movement for the Stage

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 45   Lab: 27

The art of physical communication as it applies to live theater productions. Students will discover and explore structured physical play, period movement and gesture, unarmed stage combat, and stimulus response exercises as a means to inform and illuminate a dramatic literature text. By examining various kinesthetic methodologies, students will become more adept at creating fully realized, physically expressive characters. This class is designed for actors and all interested students.

THTR 40  Theatrical Work Experience

1-4 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Lab: 60-300
Prerequisite: Compliance with work experience regulations as designated in the College Catalog.

Work experience in an approved work site relating to classroom-based learning for students in the theatrical arts. A minimum of 75 paid or 60 non-paid clock hours per semester of supervised work is required for each unit of credit. It is recommended that the hours per week be equally distributed throughout the semester. Instructor approval required. A maximum of 4 units can be earned for this course.

THTR 60A  Theater for Young Audiences - Performance

2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lab: 108

Rehearsal protocol and technique for performers through the development and production of theater for young audiences. Novice performers are able to experience a full rehearsal process culminating in the practical application of learned principles in a series of public performances at local elementary schools. Field trips are required.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423055THTR:60ATR8:00am - 11:10amW. Pellegrini2-XXXX

THTR 60B  Theater for Young Audiences - Design

2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lab: 108

Basic design principles of sound, scenery, costume, and properties through the development of an original theater production for young audiences. Students will have the opportunity to develop and execute theatrical design elements of a performance in front of an audience. Field trips are required.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423056THTR:60BTR8:00am - 11:10amW. Pellegrini2-XXXX

THTR 60C  Theater for Young Audiences - Stage Management

2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lab: 108

Principles and techniques of stage management in theater for young audience productions. Students will learn to collaborate with other artists through the scheduling and management of rehearsals and a six-week tour of an original production to local at-need elementary schools. Students will experience real-world production deadlines and management challenges through the practical application of a full production process. Field trips required.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423057THTR:60CTR8:00am - 11:10amW. Pellegrini2-XXXX

THTR 99  Special Projects in Theater

1-2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lab: 54-108

In order to offer students recognition for their academic interests and ability, and the opportunity to explore their disciplines in greater depth, the various departments from time to time offer Special Projects courses. The content of each course and the methods of study vary from semester to semester and depend on the particular project under consideration. Students must have instructor's authorization before enrolling in this class. Students who repeat this course will make individual contracts with the instructor to ensure that proficiencies are enhanced.

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