Sociology (SOC)

SOC 1  Introduction to Sociology

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 110)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

Systematic study of human relations and social structures emphasizing the interaction between personality, culture and society. Special consideration is given to an understanding of group behavior, personality formation, social organization, and social change.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421768SOC:1MW8:00am - 9:25amM. VanderVis26A-2871
Fall 202421769SOC:1MW9:45am - 11:10amK. Hernandez-Magallon26A-2871
Fall 202421770SOC:1MW11:30am - 12:55pmK. Hernandez-Magallon26A-2871
Fall 202421771SOC:1T7:00pm - 10:10pmG. Nelson26A-2871
Fall 202421772SOC:1TR9:45am - 11:10amS. Cevallos26A-2871
Fall 202421773SOC:1TR11:30am - 12:55pmS. Cevallos26A-2871
Fall 202421774SOC:1TR1:15pm - 2:40pmM. Gallarde26A-3630
Fall 202421775SOC:1TR3:00pm - 4:25pmI. Sanchez26A-2871
Fall 202421776SOC:1F11:30am - 2:40pmR. Karmiryan26A-2871
Fall 202424375SOC:1TR7:55am - 9:25amL. ParraOCAM-WKHS
TR7:55am - 9:25amL. ParraOCAM-WKHS
Fall 202424479SOC:1R7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
RF7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
R7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
RF7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
R7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
RF7:15am - 8:20amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-CHS
Fall 202424497SOC:1MW10:10am - 11:40amL. ParraOCAM-MECA
MW10:10am - 11:40amL. ParraOCAM-MECA

SOC 1H  Introduction to Sociology - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 110)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Honors Program

Systematic study of human relations and social structures emphasizing the interaction between personality, culture, and society. Special consideration is given to an understanding of group behavior, personality formation, social organization, and social change. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 1 and SOC 1H.

SOC 2  Contemporary Social Problems

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 115)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

Sociological principles and concepts as applied in the understanding of social problems. Special emphasis on the analysis of social values, social organization, role, status and stress, and also on the study of controversial public issues that arise in contemporary American society. Students will be encouraged to evaluate and discuss both the theoretical and practical approaches to social problems. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 2 and SOC 2H.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421831SOC:2MW11:30am - 12:55pmL. RillortaNotEntered-XXXX
Fall 202421832SOC:2TR1:15pm - 2:40pmS. Masl26D-2431

SOC 2H  Contemporary Social Problems - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 115)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Honors Program

Sociological principles and concepts as applied in the understanding of social problems. Special emphasis on the analysis of social values, social organization, role, status and stress, and also on the study of controversial public issues that arise in contemporary American society. Students will be encouraged to evaluate and discuss both the theoretical and practical approaches to social problems.

SOC 4  Introduction to Gerontology

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

The characteristics, life circumstances, and problems of people as they progress through life. Emphasizes theoretical perspectives on the process of aging and the adjustment to aging. Covers sociological factors and social institutions that affect individuals as they move through the life course.

SOC 5  Introduction to Criminology

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 160)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

A scientific analysis of the nature, extent, and causes of violations of societal rules of behavior that are formally defined as crime and delinquency. Includes an analysis of the theoretical perspectives of the sociology of deviance on the criminal justice system and the impact of crime on society.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421849SOC:5MW11:30am - 12:55pmJ. Gatillon26D-2230
Fall 202421851SOC:5MW1:15pm - 2:40pmS. Parker26D-2230
Fall 202421853SOC:5TR9:45am - 11:10amS. Parker26A-1690
Fall 202421854SOC:5TR11:30am - 12:55pmS. Parker26A-1690
Fall 202423980SOC:5TR3:40pm - 5:10pmS. Masl; K. RillortaOCAM-IPOLY
TR3:40pm - 5:10pmS. Masl; K. RillortaOCAM-IPOLY
Fall 202423982SOC:5MW7:35am - 8:25amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-PHS
M7:35am - 8:25amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-PHS
MW7:35am - 8:25amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-PHS
MW7:35am - 8:25amM. Gallarde; K. RillortaOCAM-PHS
Fall 202424365SOC:5MW7:30am - 9:20amL. ParraOCAM-SHHS
MW7:30am - 9:20amL. ParraOCAM-SHHS
Fall 202424367SOC:5T7:45am - 9:20amG. NelsonOCAM-SHHS
TR7:45am - 9:20amG. NelsonOCAM-SHHS
TR7:45am - 9:20amG. NelsonOCAM-SHHS

SOC 5H  Introduction to Criminology - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 160)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Honors Program

A scientific analysis of the nature, extent, and causes of violations of societal rules of behavior that are formally defined as crime and delinquency. Includes an analysis of the theoretical perspectives of the sociology of deviance on the criminal justice system and the impact of crime on society. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 5 and SOC 5H.

SOC 7  Religion, Culture, and Change

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 54   

A sociological exploration of religion as a social institution. Focus is on the influence that religion has on society and examines themes of race, class, gender, and media.

SOC 12  Introduction to Research Methods in the Social Sciences

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 120)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: (SOC 1 or SOC 1H) and (SOC 23 or PSYC 10 or MATH 110 or MATH 110H or MATH 110S) and Eligibility for ENGL 68

Students examine fundamental elements of empirical research and the ways in which sociologists gather, evaluate, and critique social data. Includes attention to the nature of theory, hypotheses, variables, and ethics of research. Application of qualitative and quantitative analytic tools, including logic and research design, such as survey, observational, experimental, case study, and comparative historical research. Computer applications recommended.

SOC 14  Marriage and the Family

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 130)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

Sociological functions of dating, engagement, weddings, marriage, and the family. Focuses on influences and theories of mate selection, love, and interpersonal attraction. Covers trends and changes in marriage, the family, and gender roles. Explores different types of families and family patterns.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421892SOC:14MW9:45am - 11:10amL. Rillorta26A-2690

SOC 14H  Marriage and the Family - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 130)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance in the Honors Program.

Sociological functions of dating, engagement, weddings, marriage, and the family. Focuses on influences and theories of mate selection, love, and interpersonal attraction. Covers trends and changes in marriage, the family, and gender roles. Explores different types of families and family patterns. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 14 and SOC 14H.

SOC 15  Sociology of Childhood and Adolescence

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
UC Credit Limitation

Lecture: 54   

Explores childhood and adolescence in various historical and social contexts. Examines the relationship between child development and agents of socialization, such as, education, mass media, family, peers, government, religion, etc.

SOC 20  Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 150)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 68

Ethnic and racial groups in the U.S. and social factors leading to prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes. Four major ethnic groups (Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, and Latinos) examined with emphasis placed on historical experiences, contemporary circumstances and future trends. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 20 and SOC 20H.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421929SOC:20TR9:45am - 11:10amK. RillortaNotEntered-XXXX
Fall 202424316SOC:20TR8:30am - 9:35amS. MaslOCAM-BASSHS
TR8:30am - 9:35amS. MaslOCAM-BASSHS
TR8:30am - 9:35amS. MaslOCAM-BASSHS

SOC 20H  Introduction to Race and Ethnicity - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 150)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Honors Program

Ethnic and racial groups in the U.S. and social factors leading to prejudice, discrimination, and stereotypes. Four major ethnic groups (Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, and Latinos) examined with emphasis placed on historical experiences, contemporary circumstances, and future trends.

SOC 23  Introduction to Statistics in Sociology and Social Sciences

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 125)
UC Credit Limitation

Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: (SOC 1 or SOC 1H) and eligibility for MATH 110 or MATH 110H

Basic statistical methods and analyses commonly used in sociological research. Topics include descriptive and inferential statistics usually include levels and types of measurement; measures of central tendency and dispersion; normal, t, and chi-square distributions; probability and hypothesis testing; correlation and regression. Computers and calculators will be utilized. Data sets will be problems from the various social sciences.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421932SOC:23TR1:15pm - 2:40pmI. Sanchez26A-2871

SOC 36  Pacific Islands' and Asian American Communities

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 54   

A socio-cultural study of Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans that includes race, class, and gender. Explores the contemporary experiences of peoples originating in the Pacific Islands, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and East Asia. Emphasizes social structure, social change, and offers a theoretical framework for analysis.

SOC 40  Introduction to Sex and Gender Roles

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SOCI 140)
Lecture: 54   
Advisory: SOC 1 or SOC 1H (taken prior or concurrently) and eligibility for ENGL 1A (taken prior or concurrently)

Sociological analysis of the social construction of gender, masculinity, and femininity historically and cross-culturally. Examines the debates on sex and gender. It analyzes the impact of economic and political change on gender expectations and practices. This course focuses on macro-analyses of how institutions shape gender and microanalyses of how individuals are socialized and how they practice gender.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421936SOC:40MW11:30am - 12:55pmC. Cretney PetersenNotEntered-XXXX

SOC 40H  Introduction to Sex and Gender Roles - Honors

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: SOCI 140)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Honors Program
Advisory: SOC 1 or SOC 1H (taken prior or concurrently)

Sociological analysis of the social construction of gender, masculinity, and femininity historically and cross-culturally. Examines the debates on sex and gender. It analyzes the impact of economic and political change on gender expectations and practices. This course focuses on macro-analyses of how institutions shape gender and microanalyses of how individuals are socialized and how they practice gender. An honors course designed to provide an enriched experience. Students may not receive credit for both SOC 40 and SOC 40H.

SOC 99  Special Projects in Sociology

2 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36   

Offers students recognition for their academic interests in sociology and the opportunity to explore the discipline of sociology to greater depth. The content of the course and the methods of study vary from semester to semester and depend on the particular project under consideration.

SOC 110  Introduction to Social Justice

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SJS 110)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AH or ENGL 1AM or AMLA 1A

Intersectional study of minority groups in the United States such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, sexuality, and other marginalized groups. Examines social justice movements in relation to minority groups in the United States to provide a basis for a better understanding of the socio-economic, cultural, and political conditions among key social groups.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421939SOC:110TR9:45am - 11:10amL. ParraNotEntered-XXXX

SOC 130  Introduction to LGBTQ Studies

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC, C-ID #: SJS 130)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AH or ENGL 1AM or AMLA 1A

This introductory course examines a broad range of contemporary lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) issues in various contexts including bio-medical, sociological, political, racial, and sexual.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202421941SOC:130TR11:30am - 12:55pmL. ParraNotEntered-XXXX

SOC 300  Cultural Competence in the Workplace

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Admission to the BS in Histotechnology

This course will discuss the concept of culture, how it shapes the human experience, and the importance of cultural competence as a tool for reducing various forms of bias when working with and serving diverse populations. From the perspective of intersectionality, students will explore interplay of socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, nationality, color, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, disability and ability, relationship status, political ideology, religion/spirituality, military service, and tribal sovereign status' among other populations.

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