Music Audio (MUSA)

MUSA 100  Fundamentals of Audio Technology

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: CMUS 100 X)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Fundamental terminology, equipment, techniques, and technical concepts related to audio technology. Topics include the basic principles and practices of signal flow, analog audio, digital audio, computer workstations, musical instrument digital interface (MIDI), synthesis, and sound recording utilizing modern hardware and software. These topics will be explored from a technical perspective.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423017MUSA:100M9:45am - 12:55pmM. Foreman13-2460
Fall 202423738MUSA:100TR8:30am - 9:35amJ. Fox13-2460
TR9:45am - 11:10amJ. Fox13-2460

MUSA 110  Acoustics for Audio Production

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Scientific and practical concepts of acoustic sound for audio production. Topics include the science of sound, sound generation, sound in the free field, acoustic spaces, psychoacoustics, and techniques for acoustic management. Students will be able to critically analyze acoustic phenomena and apply this knowledge in audio production settings.

MUSA 120  Introduction to Music Production

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: CMUS 110 X)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54

Creative techniques and elements of electronic audio. Topics include digital audio workstations, musical instrument digital interface (MIDI), synthesis, sampling, sequencing, editing, composition, arranging, and mixing. Compositions are expected of students utilizing electronic audio techniques.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423881MUSA:120TR11:30am - 12:55pmN. Tharp13-2460

MUSA 130  Business of Audio Production

3 Units (Degree Applicable, C-ID #: CMUS 140X)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   

Business and legal aspects of the audio industry. Topics include contracts, publishing, licensing, distribution, and copyright. In addition, the duties and responsibilities of producers, agents, managers, promoters, and performing artists will be examined. Students will gain a firm understanding of past and current business practices related to audio production.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423021MUSA:130TR11:30am - 12:55pmD. Parker13-1245

MUSA 150  Audio Recording

3 Units (Degree Applicable, C-ID #: CMUS 130X)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54
Prerequisite: MUSA 100

Intermediate concepts and skills for audio recording. Topics include recording techniques, signal flow, microphone principles and usage, equipment, signal processing, digital audio workstation recording functions, and recording procedures. Students will produce quality audio recordings from a variety of sound sources.

MUSA 160  Live Sound Engineering

3 Units (Degree Applicable, C-ID #: CMUS 120 X)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54
Prerequisite: MUSA 100

Intermediate concepts and skills for audio engineering live events. Topics will include microphones, mixers, amplifiers, monitoring, setup and teardown, sound reinforcement, cabling and wiring, and duties and roles for stages, clubs, theaters, churches, and industrial venues. Students will be able to engineer a multi-input live sound performance.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423022MUSA:160M7:00pm - 10:10pmV. McBroom2-M109

MUSA 200  Audio Production

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54
Prerequisite: MUSA 150

Advanced studio-recording techniques. Topics include recording sessions, applied acoustics, multi-microphone configurations, overdub sessions, cue mixes, control room configuration, roles and duties, editing, and mixing. Students will learn to apply audio technology and recording concepts in a multitrack studio environment.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423023MUSA:200T4:15pm - 6:20pmD. Goldstein2-M200
T6:30pm - 9:40pmD. Goldstein2-M200

MUSA 210  Audio for Multimedia

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54
Prerequisite: MUSA 100 and MUSA 120

Intermediate creative, technical, and collaborative techniques for producing audio for recorded multimedia. Topics include games, animation, video, commercials, radio, virtual reality, Internet, and motion graphics. Students will be able to produce quality audio tracks for use in a variety of multimedia settings.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423024MUSA:210TR1:15pm - 2:20pmJ. Barrera13-2460
TR2:35pm - 4:00pmJ. Barrera13-2460

MUSA 220  Sound Performance and Synthesis

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36   Lab: 54
Prerequisite: MUSA 120 and MUSA 160

Advanced creative, technical, and collaborative skills for synthesizing, designing, and performing sound. Topics will cover synthesis and sound design for a variety of purposes, such as music performances, film, TV, multimedia, games, animations, concerts, theater performances, dance performances, theme parks, and artistic and commercial installations. Students will create and perform productions that they have designed and synthesized from scratch.

MUSA 230  Songwriting

3 Units (Degree Applicable, C-ID #: CMUS 150 X)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: MUS 110A and MUSA 120

Processes and techniques of songwriting. Songs will be analyzed on chord structure, form, rhythm, melody, harmony, and lyrics. Original compositions and performances are expected from all students.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423026MUSA:230W9:45am - 12:55pmN. Tharp13-2460

MUSA 250  Audio Capstone

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: MUSA 120 and MUSA 130 and MUSA 150 and MUSA 160

Advanced creative, organizational, and leadership skills for large-scale audio productions. Students will lead complex multi-track, multi-artist productions from conceptualization to delivery.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202423027MUSA:250M1:15pm - 4:30pmJ. Melody13-1245

MUSA 299  Work Experience in Audio Arts

1-3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Prerequisite: MUSA 150 or MUSA 160 or MUSA 210 and compliance with Work Experience regulations as designated in the College Catalog.

Job experience in audio production in an approved work site. A minimum of 75 paid or 60 non-paid clock hours per semester of supervised work is required for each unit of credit. It is recommended that the hours per week be distributed throughout the semester. Instructor approval required. A maximum of three units can be earned for this course.

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