Art: Graphic Design and Illustration (ARTC)
ARTC 100 Fundamentals of Graphic Design
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, C-ID #: ARTS 250)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Advisory: ARTD 15A and ARTD 20
Fundamentals of graphic design for the commercial art industry. Technology, creativity, design, and production. Adobe Photoshop to produce effective commercial art.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 22830 | ARTC:100 | M | 11:30am - 1:35pm | C. Hartmann | 13-2440 |
Fall 2024 | 22835 | ARTC:100 | M | 6:30pm - 8:35pm | C. Strope; L. Aposhian | 13-2440 |
Fall 2024 | 22841 | ARTC:100 | TR | 8:00am - 9:05am | K. Chin | 13-2440 |
TR | 9:15am - 11:20am | K. Chin | 13-2440 | |||
Fall 2024 | 22852 | ARTC:100 | TR | 11:30am - 12:35pm | K. Chin | 13-2440 |
TR | 12:45pm - 2:50pm | K. Chin | 13-2440 | |||
Fall 2024 | 23307 | ARTC:100 | TR | 3:00pm - 4:05pm | K. Chin | 13-2440 |
TR | 4:15pm - 6:20pm | K. Chin | 13-2440 |
ARTC 120 Print Design and Advertising
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100
Corequisite: ARTD 20 (May be taken previously)
Theories, concepts, and skills for the design and layout of printed commercial art. Covers typical printed products including advertisements, flyers, brochures, posters, books, and catalogs. Focuses on using Adobe InDesign with additional exposure to Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23308 | ARTC:120 | TR | 12:45pm - 2:50pm | A. Dennis | 13-2445 |
TR | 11:30am - 12:35pm | A. Dennis | 13-2445 |
ARTC 140 Vector Design and Illustration
3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100
Corequisite: ARTD 20 (may have been taken previously)
Theories, concepts, and skills for the design and illustration of vector commercial art. Students design and produce vector illustration projects including characters, products, posters, and info graphics. Adobe Illustrator is the primary development tool.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23309 | ARTC:140 | TR | 3:00pm - 4:05pm | A. Dennis | 13-2445 |
TR | 4:15pm - 6:20pm | A. Dennis | 13-2445 |
ARTC 160 Typography
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100
Corequisite: ARTD 20 (may have been taken previously)
Design and use of basic letterforms, type families, characteristics, history, and principles of typography in graphic design. Traditional and digital skills for the art of typeface design, typographic layout, expressive typography, and conceptual thinking.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23311 | ARTC:160 | MW | 3:00pm - 4:05pm | J. Pacheco Agudelo | 13-2445 |
MW | 4:15pm - 6:20pm | J. Pacheco Agudelo | 13-2445 |
ARTC 163 Dynamic Sketching
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTD 15A or ANIM 104
Tools to conceptualize, communicate, and express creative ideas dynamically through the art of sketching. Emphasis on problem solving through the sketching process for illustrators, animators, entertainment designers, and fine artists. Off-campus meetings required.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23312 | ARTC:163 | F | 9:45am - 11:50am | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
F | 12:00pm - 4:15pm | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
ARTC 165 Illustration
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ANIM 104 or ARTD 15A
Illustration using a variety of techniques and media with an emphasis on story, editorial, and advertising applications.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23315 | ARTC:165 | MW | 11:30am - 12:35pm | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
MW | 12:45pm - 2:50pm | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
ARTC 167 Visual Development
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 163 or (ANIM 101A and ARTD 16)
Conceptual designs focused on storytelling for video games, film, and animation. Students cannot receive credit for both ARTC 167 and ANIM 167.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23316 | ARTC:167 | MW | 8:00am - 9:05am | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
MW | 9:15am - 11:20am | C. Smith | 13-2445 |
ARTC 169 Contemporary Illustration
3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 165
Advisory: ANIM 101A
Development of visual concepts to create unique and provocative illustrations based on social, cultural, and political issues. Exploration of personal style and media with emphasis on contemporary art trends.
ARTC 200 UI/UX and Web Design
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100
Corequisite: ARTD 20 (may have been taken previously)
UI/UX theories, concepts, and skills for the design and production of apps and websites. Covers user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, accessibility, wireframing, prototyping, interactivity, multi-media integration, hypertext markup language (HTML), and cascading style sheet (CSS).
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23321 | ARTC:200 | MW | 8:00am - 9:05am | M. Orozco | 13-2440 |
MW | 9:15am - 11:20am | M. Orozco | 13-2440 |
ARTC 210 Corporate Identity and Branding
3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 140 and ARTC 160
Creative techniques, design theory, and process methods for developing effective logos, corporate identity systems, and brands.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23324 | ARTC:210 | MW | 3:00pm - 4:05pm | C. Bell | 13-2440 |
MW | 4:15pm - 6:20pm | C. Bell | 13-2440 |
ARTC 220 Creative Design and Compositing
3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100 and ARTD 20
Advisory: ARTC 140
Advanced creative and compositing skills for graphic designers. Covers advanced photo editing and photo retouching techniques for the development of photo illustrations, editorial compositions, advertisements, and other commercial art.
ARTC 230 UI/UX and Web Design II
3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 200
Intermediate-level user interface and experience design, production, and marketing of websites, mobile sites, and mobile apps.
ARTC 272 Motion Graphics, Compositing and Visual Effects
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU, UC)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: ARTC 100 or ANIM 100 or PHOT 9
Elements of motion graphics, motion art, and visual effects including design, animation, character art, typography, compositing, and editing in a production environment (i.e. TV, film, DVD, or web). Focuses on using Adobe After Effects and other industry standard software. ANIM 172 and ARTC 272 cannot both be taken for credit.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23326 | ARTC:272 | TR | 6:30pm - 7:35pm | D. Cheung | 13-2445 |
TR | 7:45pm - 9:50pm | D. Cheung | 13-2445 |
ARTC 286 Portfolio Preparation
2 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Lab: 120
Prerequisite: Completion of the Graphic Design Level I Certificate N0487 plus at least 6 units from any Graphic Design - Level 2 program. The instructor will verify that the prerequisite has been met.
Review, critique, and improvement of portfolio pieces in preparation for the ARTC 290 - Portfolio class. ARTC 286 will be a portfolio review and improvement course. The instructor evaluates and critiques the student's projects (a minimum of ten potential portfolio pieces) to determine their portfolio readiness. Under the instructor's guidance, the student then works to improve the projects to meet the portfolio quality necessary to seek an entry-level job. At the end of the semester the student either meets or does not meet requirements.
Term | CRN | Course Title | Day | Time | Instructor | Location |
Fall 2024 | 23331 | ARTC:286 | T | 8:00am - 11:20am | C. Hartmann; E. Dong | 13-2445 |
ARTC 290 Portfolio
3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 36
Lab: 71
Prerequisite: Completion of a minimum of 15 semester units in one of the following programs: Graphic Design, Illustration, Animation and Gaming, or Photography.
Selection, preparation, and assembly of a portfolio, book, or package of works of art, including digital and multimedia formats, that represent individual interests and strengths of students from the visual arts disciplines for use in entering a four-year institution, professional art school, or professional field of choice. Also includes cover letter and resume preparation. The instructor will verify that the prerequisite has been met.
ARTC 298 Work Experience in Studio13
1-3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Lab: 60-225
Prerequisite: ARTC 120 and ARTC 140 and ARTC 160 and Compliance with Work Experience regulations as designated in the College Catalog
Work experience in graphic design, web design, media design, advertising design, illustration or other commercial art field in Mt. SAC's media design studio - Studio13. A minimum of 75 paid clock hours or 60 non-paid clock hours per semester is required for each unit of credit. It is recommended that the hours per week are equally distributed throughout the semester.
ARTC 299 Work Experience in Graphic Design
1-3 Units (Not Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Lab: 60-225
Prerequisite: Compliance with Work Experience regulations as designated in the College Catalog
Advisory: ARTD 20 and PHOT 58 and ARTC 100 and ARTC 120 and ARTC 140 and ARTC 160 (Graphic Design - Level 1 Certificate)
Work experience in graphic design, web design, media design, advertising design, illustration or other graphic design related field in an approved work site. A minimum of 75 paid clock hours or 60 non-paid clock hours per semester is required for each unit of credit. It is recommended that the hours per week are equally distributed throughout the semester.