Paralegal (PLGL)

PLGL 30  Introduction to Paralegal/Legal

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: Eligibility for ENGL 1A

Federal and state legal systems, role of paralegals and relationship of paralegals to attorneys, basic civil litigation, legal writing, investigation of claims, and legal ethics for paralegals.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202420232PLGL:30T7:00pm - 10:10pmL. Paige78-3120

PLGL 31  Legal Analysis and Writing

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Corequisite: PLGL 30 (May have been taken previously)

Law library for legal research and references including reading and analyzing cases, statutes, constitutions, secondary sources, and preparation of case briefs.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202420235PLGL:31MW9:45am - 11:15amC. McKee78-3120
Fall 202420236PLGL:31M7:00pm - 10:15pmV. Escalante Troesh78-3120

PLGL 32  Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: PLGL 30 and (PLGL 31 or PLGL 31A)

Research memoranda, trial briefs, appellate briefs, and other legal document preparation. Westlaw and Lexis-Nexis training.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202420237PLGL:32T7:00pm - 10:10pmA. MartinezONLINE-SYNCH

PLGL 33  Civil Procedure

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Corequisite: PLGL 30 (May have been taken previously)

Pre-trial procedural steps of litigating a cause of action to post-trial remedies. Jurisdiction, venue, parties, default judgments, pleadings, and pretrial law and motion. Discovery, summary judgments, settlements and preparation for and support at trial, including post-trial remedies and enforcement of judgments.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202420238PLGL:33MW11:30am - 12:55pmG. Lucett78-2105
Fall 202420239PLGL:33R7:00pm - 10:10pmC. McCune78-2105

PLGL 34  Law Office Procedures

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   
Corequisite: PLGL 30 (may have been taken previously)

Procedures utilized by a paralegal in a law office. Court systems, preparation and filing of legal papers and court documents, and drafting specialized documents in estate planning, real estate, divorce, unlawful detainer, adoption, corporations, conservatorships, and guardianships.

PLGL 35  Law Office Technology

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: PLGL 30
Advisory: CISB 15

Personal computer usage for special purposes in the law office. Drafting of legal documents, document control, e-filing, e-discovery, preparation of billing, law office and case load management, and trial graphics and preparation.

PLGL 36  Paralegal Internship

1 Unit (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for Pass/No Pass only)
Prerequisite: PLGL 31 and PLGL 33 and PLGL 34
Corequisite: PLGL 32 and PLGL 35 and PLGL 37 and PLGL 39 (All may have been taken previously)

On-the-job experience in the paralegal profession, which relates to student's classroom based learning. Placement is not guaranteed but assistance is provided by the paralegal faculty. A minimum of five hours per week of supervised work (minimum 75 paid clock hours or 60 non-paid clock hours per semester) is required.

PLGL 37  Tort Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Analysis of the law of torts, including intentional torts such as assault, battery, false imprisonment, defamation, privacy, trespass, and nuisance; negligence; and strict liability. Examination of insurance defense issues.

PLGL 38  Employment and Ethical Issues in Paralegalism

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
Lecture: 54   
Prerequisite: PLGL 31 and PLGL 33 and PLGL 34
Corequisite: PLGL 32 and PLGL 35 and PLGL 37 and PLGL 39 (All may have been taken previously)

Job search skills including preparation of professional resumes and cover letters, interviewing techniques, networking, application of these skills in beginning the search for paralegal employment, and paralegal and attorney ethics.

PLGL 39  Contract Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Laws relating to the formation of contracts. Includes study of the Statute of Frauds, third-party rights, liability for breach of contract, remedies, discharge, and the Uniform Commercial Code.

PLGL 41  Property Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Examination of the law relating to real and personal property. Analysis of the various forms of ownership of real property; easements, covenants, conditions, and licenses; constitutional questions; types of real estate deeds; and land use controls.

TermCRNCourse TitleDayTimeInstructorLocation
Fall 202420320PLGL:41W7:00pm - 10:10pmG. Gavilanes78-3180

PLGL 42  Family Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Laws relating to marriage, dissolution, nullity, and legal separation. Includes topics of community property, child custody, child support, spousal support, and prenuptial and antenuptial agreements.

PLGL 43  Wills and Trusts

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Legal principles of the laws of wills and trusts, organization, and jurisdiction of the California Probate Courts, estate planning and estate taxes.

PLGL 44  Bankruptcy Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Creation, scope, and administrative function of federal bankruptcy proceedings, including Chapter 7, 11, and 13 cases.

PLGL 48  Criminal Law and Procedures

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

General principles of criminal law and procedure, elements of crimes against person and property, parties to a crime, defenses to crimes. Analysis of procedural law relating to arrest, search and seizure, rights to counsel and a jury, evidentiary issues, sentencing, and appeal.

PLGL 49  Evidence Law

3 Units (Degree Applicable, CSU)
Lecture: 54   

Evidence law in civil and criminal cases: principles of relevance and competence of evidence, hearsay and character evidence rules, evidentiary privileges, use and authentication of writings. Use of evidence at trial, burdens of proof and presumptions, constitutional issues.

PLGL 100  The Litigation Practice and eDiscovery

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   

Role of eDiscovery in modern day litigation, court rules and procedure, overview of the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) process, data privacy laws, and related ethical issues.

PLGL 101  Project Management Principles in eDiscovery

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   

Project management, review of the lifecycle of litigation, and application of project management principles to eDiscovery.

PLGL 102  Litigation Support Technology from Data Collection to Trial

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   

Role of the litigation lifecycle from data collection, document review, and production to use at trial. Role of technology and litigation support department and teams in the acquisition of data and eDiscovery processing.

PLGL 103  Litigation Support Applications

3 Units (Degree Applicable)
(May be taken for option of letter grade or Pass/No Pass)
Lecture: 54   
Advisory: PLGL 102

Use of litigation support software and technology in the forensic data collection process and eDiscovery. Practical training in contemporary document review software.

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